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Graphic Designer & Design Consultant

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Design Entrepreneurship Project Winer



Project type

360 Project (Concept, Research, Design, and Pitch)

The Capstone Design project for the UWM class of 2019 aimed to contribute to the vision of "Making Milwaukee a healthier city" in various forms. As part of this endeavor, I conceptualized and developed Ollo, a personal pocket friend designed to support individuals in their mental well-being journey. This comprehensive project involved designing a logo and brand book to establish Ollo's identity and values, backed by research-infused infographics to educate the community on mental health topics. Adobe XD application wireframes were meticulously crafted to ensure a seamless user experience for Ollo's digital platform, while a comprehensive business model laid out the strategy for sustainable growth and impact. A promotional video was produced to effectively communicate Ollo's mission and features, culminating in a live pitch to judges to showcase its potential contribution to Milwaukee's health landscape.

Ollo emerged victorious in the pitch, being honored with the Design Entrepreneurship Project and Pitch Winner Award, signifying its potential impact in advancing the well-being of Milwaukee residents.

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